How to create a basic WhatsApp Chatbot

WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging channels in the world and WhatsApp chatbot is the new revolution around the corner. In fact, WhatsApp has over 2 billion users around the globe. But did you also know that you can automatically chat with your customers via WhatsApp? That you can have one-on-one conversations with your customers, at scale? If you didn’t, it is possible. And in this article, I will explain what WhatsApp chatbots are, why you need to …

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How To Increase Your Chatbot Conversion Rate

If your chatbot target is to create potential leads or groups of people interested in one or more products you are well aware of how lost conversations represent a good percentage of your contacts. This article was written for this reason. To explain how to increase your chatbot conversion rate. A lost conversation is when a user leaves before signing up for your service or completing the questions you’ve prepared. How can we get back to the user sometimes later …

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Come creare un chatbot per Whatsapp con Xenioo

Dopo aver reso disponibile la creazione di chatbot per Telegram, noi del team di Xenioo ci siamo resi conto che mancava all’appello il supporto per la piattaforma di messaggistica più diffusa al mondo: Whatsapp (seriamente, diteci quanti di voi hanno continuamente richieste per fare chabot per Whatsapp?). Whatsapp è in effetti la piattaforma di messaggistica più comune ed utilizzata al mondo. Gestisce milioni di utenti attivi ed ha il potenziale per diventare la più efficace piattaforma di marketing e supporto …

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