NLP Chatbot: What is Natural Language Processing and How It Works?


NLP Chatbot will do it all, from making an online order to providing a weather forecast. There’s an explanation why chatbots are among the most powerful technical intelligence platforms. Chatbots are important technologies used to connect with humans to conduct tasks ranging from automatic online shopping by texts to your vehicle’s phone voice recognition device. 

But how does a chatbot translate the human language to its own, interpret the message, and execute the role assigned to it by the user? Natural language processing is the solution to these issues.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is the part that assists chatbots in understanding the vocabulary, sentiment, and meaning that we use almost naturally when conversing. NLP allows computers to easily understand and analyze the immense and complicated human language in order to provide the required answer. 

Unlike a search engine, NLP relies on more than one focused keyword, instead of identifying intent by sentence form, patterns, and background.

If the intent is identified, the bot may perform the appropriate action or reaction. Bots are typically pre-programmed with a set of basic intents relating to the mission and objectives for which the chatbot was designed. 

Given that there are several ways to ask the same question, a chatbot can ultimately learn how to understand these questions and respond with human-like accuracy by engaging with and facing multiple conversations. Machine learning enters the picture at this stage.

NLP is a sort of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables chatbots to comprehend and respond to user messages. The science of making machines and computers perform activities that include human intelligence takes the name of “artificial intelligence” (AI). 

So NLP ultimately sinks into the AI Ocean and plays a critical role in the creation of chatbots. Chatbots will be unable to distinguish between such words without NLP. For example, we need NLP to provide meaning to the chatbot to recognize the distinction between ‘Hi’ and ‘See you.’

How Does NLP Work In A Chatbot?

To comprehend the user’s post, the AI NLP chatbot must translate unstructured human language into organized data that computers can read. When a user enters a message to the chatbot, it must use algorithms to extract significance and context from each sentence in order to gather data. 

You can know it as natural language understanding (NLU), a natural language processing branch. It entails deciphering the user’s message and collecting valuable and specific information from it.

Differentiating between individuals and intent is one method for extracting the vital parts of a statement. The intent of a sentence is the statement’s target. What exactly do the customers intend to accomplish? For example, if the message reads, “When does the KFC on 24th Street close?” 

The message’s purpose is to find out when the restaurant closes. A sentence entity is something that modifies or supports the intent. The entities of the phrase, “What are your closing hours on Tuesday?” are, for example, Tuesday and closing hours. An entity is something that can be titled (like the place, person, name, or object).

Essentially, the chatbot would know the entities and intents of the user’s messages.

To do so, we must create an NLP model for each entity with intent. For instance, we can create an NLP intent model for the chatbot to understand when a user needs to know a location’s opening hours. 

For the chatbot to understand positions and directions, we can build an NLP object model. Based on the user’s location, we can then use these NLP models to provide the opening hours of any location to the chatbot.

Since it is the basis for transforming natural human language to organized data, the NLP process is a critical component of the chatbot NLP architecture and process. 

If you need a marketing chatbot using the NLP tutorial, Xenioo has a ready-to-use solution for you! With Xenioo, businesses get a ready-to-use tech solution for consumer engagement, complete with an intuitive UI.

How to Build a Chatbot Using NLP?

The chatbot mechanism is broken down as follows:

1) Assume you intend to buy something and plan to use the assistance of a chatbot. You enter your submission.

2) When you enter a message to the chatbot requesting a purchase, the chatbot sends the plain text to the NLP engine. The natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU) engine transform the text message into structured data for itself. This is where the various NLP templates come into action to derive the message’s intents and entities.

3) The chatbot sends the gathered data (intents and entities) to the decision-making engine.

4) Based on recent decisions and outcomes, the decision-making model generates a strong decision. (To make a decision, it queries the database.)

5) The chatbot translates the decision data to text at this stage. The process of translating data into plain text is known as natural language generation (NLG). The message generator generates the message using NLG. This message is sent to the user by text message or speech.

Benefits of NLP: Chatbot and NLP

There are several advantages of NLP, but below are a few highlights that will help the company become more competitive:

1) Conduct a large-scale study: Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables computers to interpret and evaluate massive volumes of unstructured text data, such as social media comments, customer service tickets, online ratings, news coverage, and more.

2) Real-time workflow automation: Natural language processing software can assist computers in learning to filter and route information with little to no human input – easily, effectively, reliably, and continuously.

3) Customize NLP software for your business: you can customize Natural language processing algorithms to particular requirements and standards, such as nuanced, industry-specific language, sarcasm, and misused words.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to developing chatbots, natural language processing is significantly vital. As the primary method, the Chatbot uses NLP to correctly and reliably perceive the user’s meaning. NLP has altered the way we deal with technology and will continue to do so in the future. 

For companies, NLP can continue to improve its effectiveness in delivering customized, engaging experiences to consumers.

Natural language processing is basically an ocean of different algorithms used to translate text into important data for the chatbot to use, just as AI is a vast and expansive sector. So, the next time you use a chatbot, consider how NLP empowers it to grant our wishes. You can achieve this quickly, cost-effectively without any coding, thanks to the Xenioo no-code platform.

Customers today have higher product expectations than ever before. When used properly, a chatbot with NLP can bridge the gap between customer requests and real service delivery, making them an incredibly valuable platform for businesses in almost any industry. 

It is for this purpose that many companies employ Xenioo to provide chatbot development services in order to build sophisticated chatbot NLP algorithms.

Join the NLP in ChatBot experience under your organization with Xenioo. Allow us to guide you through and give your organization the best customer service it can provide. Connect with us at

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